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Becky Pallone

Becky Pallone

Becky Pallone, Kindergarten Teacher, Quakertown Community School District, Pennsylvania

Rebeca Pallone has been a primary grade teacher for the past 20 years, and is currently teaching kindergarten in the Quakertown Community School District in Pennsylvania. She holds a masters in reading and is reading specialist certified. She was a Goyen Literacy Fellow for the 2022-2023 school year. She has appeared on the Melissa and Lori Love Literacy Podcast, episode 183: Aligning Phonemic Awareness Instruction to Research. Becky is married to Jonathan Pallone, a high school social studies teacher and varsity baseball coach. She has three daughters.

Reading Universe is made possible by generous support from Jim & Donna Barksdale; the Hastings/Quillin Fund, an advised fund of the Silicon Valley Community Foundation (opens in new window); the AFT (opens in new window); the Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation (opens in new window); and three anonymous donors.