1. An Overview of Irregularly Spelled High-Frequency Words
Irregularly Spelled High-Frequency Words

“A sight word is a word that is instantly and effortlessly recalled from memory, regardless of whether it is phonically regular or irregular. A ‘sight-word vocabulary’ refers to the pool of words a student can effortlessly recognize.”
— David A. Kilpatrick, Ph.D.

“Children vary in the amount of practice that is required for fluency and automaticity in reading to occur. Some youngsters can read a word only once to recognize it again with greater speed; others need 20 or more exposures. The average child needs between four and 14 exposures to automatize the recognition of a new word.”
— G. Reid Lyon, Ph.D. on Reading Rockets (opens in new window)

Dolch Word List by Phonics Spelling Pattern
The Dolch Word list is a set of 300 frequently used English words, many of which are decodable. Here they are organized by phonics pattern.
The Dolch Word list is a set of 300 frequently used English words, many of which are decodable. Here they are organized by phonics pattern.