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Key Instructional Concepts

Learn about the essential concepts and terms related to research-based reading instruction, including what structured literacy is and how it works in the classroom.

The Reading Universe Taxonomy

Our taxonomy is a scope and sequence for teaching all the skills needed for fluent reading. This interactive tool shows how the major skills are connected — including word recognition, language comprehension, reading comprehension, and writing — and breaks the instructional process down into manageable pieces. Use it as a roadmap for ensuring students get all of the necessary, research-backed skills.

Illustration of Reading Universe Taxonomy on laptop at desk
Duke and Duck

Research-Based Reading Instruction Explained

Understand key concepts and strategies related to structured literacy.

  • What Is Structured Literacy?

    The research-based approach ensures students get the skills they need with no gaps.

    Read Our Explainer
  • What Is Word Recognition?

    Skilled reading involves instant and effortless recognition of words. To get there, students must learn to break the alphabetic code.

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  • What Is Orthographic Mapping?

    Skilled adult readers have typically "mapped" between 30,000 and 60,000 words into their sight word vocabulary.

    See the Article
  • The Three Learning Disabilities in Reading

    Children with reading disabilities may struggle with decoding, comprehension, or a combination of both. Learn about the three disabilities and how they're related.

    Find Out More
  • How to Use Decodable Texts

    Decodable texts are simple passages or books made for beginning readers that serve a specific purpose: letting students practice reading text with the phonics patterns they know.

    Learn About These Texts

Reading Universe is made possible by generous support from Jim & Donna Barksdale; the Hastings/Quillin Fund, an advised fund of the Silicon Valley Community Foundation (opens in new window); the AFT (opens in new window); the Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation (opens in new window); and three anonymous donors.