Key Instructional Concepts
Learn about the essential concepts and terms related to research-based reading instruction, including what structured literacy is and how it works in the classroom.
The Reading Universe Taxonomy
Our taxonomy is a scope and sequence for teaching all the skills needed for fluent reading. This interactive tool shows how the major skills are connected — including word recognition, language comprehension, reading comprehension, and writing — and breaks the instructional process down into manageable pieces. Use it as a roadmap for ensuring students get all of the necessary, research-backed skills.

Research-Based Reading Instruction Explained
Understand key concepts and strategies related to structured literacy.
What Is Structured Literacy?
The research-based approach ensures students get the skills they need with no gaps.
What Is Word Recognition?
Skilled reading involves instant and effortless recognition of words. To get there, students must learn to break the alphabetic code.
What Is Orthographic Mapping?
Skilled adult readers have typically "mapped" between 30,000 and 60,000 words into their sight word vocabulary.
The Three Learning Disabilities in Reading
Children with reading disabilities may struggle with decoding, comprehension, or a combination of both. Learn about the three disabilities and how they're related.
How to Use Decodable Texts
Decodable texts are simple passages or books made for beginning readers that serve a specific purpose: letting students practice reading text with the phonics patterns they know.
What is the Writing Rope?
Joan Sedita, the founder and CEO of Keys to Literacy, explains the five strands that make up The Writing Rope, a framework for writing instruction.
Reading Universe is made possible by generous support from Jim & Donna Barksdale; the Hastings/Quillin Fund, an advised fund of the Silicon Valley Community Foundation (opens in new window); the AFT (opens in new window); the Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation (opens in new window); and three anonymous donors.