- Phoneme Segmentation and Blending
Quick Look: Stretch and Shrink + Touch and Say

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Rossie King: Today we're going to learn how to stretch and shrink today. And first we're going to go over the routine. Okay? First, I want you to put your hands together and watch me first. I'm going to streee-tch it out where my arms are, just with my shoulders, even one of my shoulders (she pulls her fist apart from being together to shoulder width) and shrink it back (she claps her fists back together). Okay? And then we're going to touch and say, I'm going to give you each one, three of these (she points to colored paper squares on the table). When I say touch and say, you put your two fingers together and you'll touch each square and left or right, and blend the word. Deal? Shop. Ready?
Ms. King and students: /Sh/, /ŏ/, /p/. (Ms. King and her students stretch and pull with their fists then use their fingers to touch the cards and say the sounds.) Shop. /Sh/
Ms. King: Look at your word.
Ms. King and students: /ŏ/, /p/. Shop.