- Consonant Digraphs Skill Explainer
Build-a-Word: Digraphs
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Antonio Fierro: Let's use the builder word strategy with digraphs. The word is ship ... ship. I saw a ship out in the ocean ... ship. Right? Now you say it. Right ... ship. Let's see how many phonemes are in the word ship ... /sh/, /ĭ/, /p/. Oh, good, three. So we'll have three lines ... /sh/, /ĭ/, /p/. What's a grapheme that represents that /sh/? Mmmm, 'sh'. Oh, and don't forget, this is my digraph. I have two letters coming together to make one sound, right? My vowel ... /sh/, /ĭ/ ... What graphene? 'i'. And the final phoneme is /p/. What about the grapheme? 'p'. Let's write it out ... ship. Ship.