- FLoSS(Z) Pattern Skill Explainer
Build-a-Word: The FLoSS(Z) Rule

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Dr. Antonio Fierro: We are going to use the build-a-word strategy with the FLoSS(Z) rule. Let's try it. The word is jazz. I like to listen to jazz music. The word is jazz. What's the word? Jazz. Let's go ahead and identify those phonemes in that word, jazz. /j/, /a/, z/. Right? /j/, /a/, z/. I have three phonemes, so I have three lines here. /j/, /a/, /z/. Which grapheme represents that sound? The 'j'. What about /a/? The 'a'. And the final phoneme is /z/. Which grapheme? The 'z'. But there's something special about this word. The FLoSS(Z) rule says that when the word ends in 'f'. 'l', 's', or 'z' after a short vowel sound, we have to double this last letter. This is a short vowel sound. It ends in 'z', so I have to double it. That's the "FLoSS(Z) rule. Jazz. 'J', 'a', 'z', 'z'. Jazz.