- Magic 'e' Skill Explainer
Adding Magic 'e' to Make New Words

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Kimberly Schneider: Before I put silent 'e' right here, who can tell me? What does that word say? Nicole? What does it say?
Nicole: Hop.
Alright, everybody say, hop.
Students: Hop.
Kimberly Schneider: Hop. Put out your arm. Tell me the sounds.
Students and Ms. Schneider: /h/, /ŏ/, /p/. Hop.
Kimberly Schneider: Good job. But if I add a silent 'e', that's no longer an /ŏ/. It's an /ō/. Do you already know what that says? Okay, Sophia, what does it say?
Sophia: Hope.
Kimberly Schneider: Everybody say hope.
Students: Hope. Hope.
Kimberly Schneider: Ooh. Let's do this one. What does my word say without the silent 'e'? What does it say?
Sophia: Kit.
Kimberly Schneider: Everybody say, kit.
Students: Kit. Kit.
Kimberly Schneider: But when I have silent 'e', he makes that 'i' stand up tall. Say its name. You already know what it says. Nicole, what does it say?
Nicole: Kite.
Kimberly Schneider: Kite. Very good.