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Skill Explainer

3.2 Explicitly Teach Spelling with 'c' vs. 'k'

Spelling with 'c' vs. 'k' Skill Explainer


We have learned that 'c' and 'k' can both say /k/. It is easy for us to read those sounds now, but when we try to spell that sound, it's hard to know when to write a 'c' and when to write a 'k'. We're going to learn how to make that decision during spelling.

'C' is a curvy letter.

'C' likes to look at curvy vowels in words and say /k/.

Curvy 'c' looks at curvy 'a', curvy 'o', and curvy 'u'.

Letter 'c' with 'a', 'o', and 'u' next to it.

Now let’s look at 'k'.

'K' is a straight letter.

'K' likes to look at straight vowels.

Straight 'k' looks at straight 'e' and straight 'i'.

Letter 'k' with 'e', 'i', and 'y' next to it.

If I was trying to spell the word cap, I hear /c/, /ă/, /p/. I have to decide if I spell it with a 'c' or with a 'k'. Let’s look and see what comes after the /k/. I hear /ă/ and it is an 'a'. Look at the board. Which /k/ sound looks at curvy 'a'? Yes! Curvy 'c' looks at curvy 'a'.

Now, if I was trying to spell the word kid, I hear /k/, /ĭ/, /d/. I have to decide if I spell it with a 'c' or with a 'k'. Let's look and see what comes after the /k/. I hear /ĭ/ and it is an 'i'. Look at the board. Which /k/ sound looks at straight 'i'? Yes! Straight 'k' looks at straight 'i'.

In a blend, 'c' looks at another consonant. That means you should use 'c' when the /k/ sound is in a blend followed by a consonant, like in the words clap and fact.

The letter 'c' and the word "consonant."