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Skill Explainer

3.1 Prepare for Instruction on the '-ck' Spelling Rule

‘-ck’ Spelling Rule Skill Explainer

Teacher teaching -ck spelling rule using a sentence on the board.
  • Print the '-ck' flash card to introduce the spelling rule to your students and add the card to your flash card deck. If this is your first time teaching this skill, it might be helpful to write the rule on the back of your flash card to help you recite the rule to your students. "When a one-syllable word has a short vowel sound that is immediately followed by the /k/ sound, you spell /k/ with '-ck'."

  • Review the '-ck' word list (opens in new window) and write examples of '-ck' words on the back of your flash card. It's helpful to have examples of '-ck' words readily available for your students.

  • Teach yourself the '-ck' hooray chant to help your students remember the '-ck' spelling rule. "Immediately after a short vowel, at the end of a one-syllable word, spell /k/ – 'c', 'k' hooray!"

-ck Flash Card with Picture

Use this 5x7 flash card to introduce the '-ck' spelling rule. Add the card to your flash card deck to practice the '-ck' rule during your warm-up.

-ck Flash Card without Picture

Use this 5x7 flash card without a picture and add it to your flash card deck to practice the '-ck' spelling rule during your warm-up.

Dictation Sheet (Kindergarten Level)

Use this sheet to practice handwriting and to dictate sounds, words, phrases, and sentences using phonics patterns students have learned. The image of the roller coaster serves as a visual aid to help students segment sounds in consonant-vowel-consonant words before they write.

Dictation Sheet (Grades 1-5)

Use this sheet to dictate spelling sounds, words, phrases, and sentences using phonics patterns that students have learned.

'-ck' Spelling Rule: List of Words, Phrases, and Sentences

Use this list of words, phrases, and sentences to help you plan reading, spelling, and fluency lessons and activities for the '-ck' spelling rule.

Reading Universe is made possible by generous support from Jim & Donna Barksdale; the Hastings/Quillin Fund, an advised fund of the Silicon Valley Community Foundation (opens in new window); the AFT (opens in new window); the Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation (opens in new window); and three anonymous donors.