6. Student Practice Activities for Closed Syllables
Closed Syllables Skill Explainer

Syllable POP!
Use this student activity to build accuracy and fluency in reading closed syllables. Students can play with partners or in small groups.
Use this student activity to build accuracy and fluency in reading closed syllables. Students can play with partners or in small groups.

Break the Code: Short Vowels
In this activity, students practice recognizing, sounding, blending, and reading words with short vowels, and then read the word aloud.
In this activity, students practice recognizing, sounding, blending, and reading words with short vowels, and then read the word aloud.

Mixed Short Vowels: Sorting Cards
The purpose of this activity is to help students build accuracy in reading words with short vowels.
The purpose of this activity is to help students build accuracy in reading words with short vowels.