3.1 Prepare for Consonant Digraphs Instruction
Consonant Digraphs Skill Explainer
Lisa Glickman

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Antonio Fierro: Let's use the builder word strategy with digraphs. The word is ship ... ship. I saw a ship out in the ocean ... ship. Right? Now you say it. Right ... ship. Let's see how many phonemes are in the word ship ... /sh/, /ĭ/, /p/. Oh, good, three. So we'll have three lines ... /sh/, /ĭ/, /p/. What's a grapheme that represents that /sh/? Mmmm, 'sh'. Oh, and don't forget, this is my digraph. I have two letters coming together to make one sound, right? My vowel ... /sh/, /ĭ/ ... What graphene? 'i'. And the final phoneme is /p/. What about the grapheme? 'p'. Let's write it out ... ship. Ship.

Consonant Digraphs: List of Words, Phrases, and Sentences for Lesson Planning
Our word lists can help you plan for teaching digraphs with digraphs. Use them in your reading, spelling, and fluency lessons and activities.
Our word lists can help you plan for teaching digraphs with digraphs. Use them in your reading, spelling, and fluency lessons and activities.

Digraphs Flash Cards With Pictures (2x4)
Print these 2x4 letter flash cards with pictures to use with small groups.
Print these 2x4 letter flash cards with pictures to use with small groups.

Digraphs Flash Cards With Pictures (5x7)
Use these 5x7 flash cards during your warm-up to have students practice digraphs.
Use these 5x7 flash cards during your warm-up to have students practice digraphs.

Digraphs Flash Cards Without Pictures (2x4)
Print these 2x4 letter flash cards without pictures to help students practice the sounds for the digraphs 'ch', 'sh', 'th', 'wh', 'ph', and '-ck'.
Print these 2x4 letter flash cards without pictures to help students practice the sounds for the digraphs 'ch', 'sh', 'th', 'wh', 'ph', and '-ck'.

Digraphs Flash Cards Without Pictures (5x7)
Print these 5x7 letter flash cards without pictures to help students practice the sounds for the digraphs 'ch', 'sh', 'th', 'wh', 'ph', and '-ck'.
Print these 5x7 letter flash cards without pictures to help students practice the sounds for the digraphs 'ch', 'sh', 'th', 'wh', 'ph', and '-ck'.