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Skill Explainer

1. Overview of Consonant Digraphs

Consonant Digraphs Skill Explainer

Lisa Glickman

What are digraphs?

Images and their related digraphs, such as chair and ch, shoe and sh.
The word "ship" has three phonemes, four letters, and three graphemes.
Video thumbnail for Quick Look: Digraphs
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Katina Johnson: All right, friends. So you know we have been working with digraphs, right? And we know that digraphs are ...

Students: Two-letters that make one sound.

Katina Johnson: Yes. We've been working with digraphs ... two letters that make one sound. So we've had 'c', 'h', what was that sound?

Students: /ch/ ...

Katina Johnson: We've had 's', 'h', what was that sound?

Students: /sh/ ...

Katina Johnson: And now we're going to have a new digraph today. Are you ready?

Students: Yes.

Katina Johnson:

Yes. Here is our digraph. It is 't', 'h'. We look at the digraph itself ... that is two letters that make ...

Students: One sound ...

Katina Johnson: And then we look, we look to see how the sound is made. Okay, so we're going to practice that. Are you ready?

High-frequency words: wish, much, that, them, this, with, then, when, which

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