1. Overview of Consonant Digraphs
Consonant Digraphs Skill Explainer
Lisa Glickman
What are digraphs?

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Katina Johnson: All right, friends. So you know we have been working with digraphs, right? And we know that digraphs are ...
Students: Two-letters that make one sound.
Katina Johnson: Yes. We've been working with digraphs ... two letters that make one sound. So we've had 'c', 'h', what was that sound?
Students: /ch/ ...
Katina Johnson: We've had 's', 'h', what was that sound?
Students: /sh/ ...
Katina Johnson: And now we're going to have a new digraph today. Are you ready?
Students: Yes.
Katina Johnson:
Yes. Here is our digraph. It is 't', 'h'. We look at the digraph itself ... that is two letters that make ...
Students: One sound ...
Katina Johnson: And then we look, we look to see how the sound is made. Okay, so we're going to practice that. Are you ready?