5. Sample Phoneme Segmentation and Blending Lesson Plans
Phoneme Segmentation and Blending

Segmenting Phonemes in Spoken Words Lesson Plan
This lesson plan uses the touch and say strategy and the stretch and shrink strategy to teach students how to segment phonemes in a spoken word.
This lesson plan uses the touch and say strategy and the stretch and shrink strategy to teach students how to segment phonemes in a spoken word.

Blending Phonemes in Spoken Words Lesson Plan
This lesson plan uses the touch and say strategy to teach students how to blend phonemes in a spoken word.
This lesson plan uses the touch and say strategy to teach students how to blend phonemes in a spoken word.

Say It, Move It
Use this strategy to help students understand how to segment a spoken word into individual phonemes.
Use this strategy to help students understand how to segment a spoken word into individual phonemes.