3.1 Prepare for Syllable Awareness Instruction
Syllable Awareness Skill Explainer
Carrie Simkin, Ph.D.
Syllable Word List
Use this list of over 200 words to help with quick lesson planning for syllable instruction.
Use this list of over 200 words to help with quick lesson planning for syllable instruction.

Picture Cards for Instruction
Use this free set of printable picture cards for phonological awareness instruction.
Use this free set of printable picture cards for phonological awareness instruction.

Picture Cards for Student Activities
Use this free set of printable picture cards for independent student practice.
Use this free set of printable picture cards for independent student practice.
Teaching Strategy Demo: Quiet Yell

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Quiet yell is a strategy we can use to hear each syllable in a word the students can hear and feel each push of air with each syllable. Let's see if we can break the word napkin into syllables using the quiet yell.
Nap-, -kin
How many syllables did we hear when we quiet yelled napkin? Two
Nap-, -kin. Nap-, -kin.
Teaching Strategy Demo: Stomp and Say

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Stomp and say is a strategy we can use to segment words into syllables.
We use our hands to stomp each syllable as we say the word.
Listen and watch as I stomp and say the word umbrella.
Um-, -brel, -la
How many times did we stomp?
So there are three syllables in umbrella.
What was the first syllable?
What was the second syllable?
What was the last syllable?

Phonological Awareness Teaching Strategies
Here’s a Reading Universe skill teaching strategy card you can use to prepare your instruction. It includes all of the support resources you’ll need to put it into action.
Here’s a Reading Universe skill teaching strategy card you can use to prepare your instruction. It includes all of the support resources you’ll need to put it into action.