1. An Overview of Rhyming
Rhyming Skill Explainer
Erin Kosteva, M.Ed.Why Do We Teach Rhyming?
Rime vs. Rhyme: Why?
It would be really great if these two words weren’t homophones, but they are! When words rhyme, they have the same, er, rime.
Quick Look: Recognizing Rhymes

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Ashley Powell: Now listen to these two words. Are you listening? Cat. Fish. What are the words?
Students: Cat. Fish.
Ashley Powell: That's right. Show me what you think. Do cat and fish rhyme? Those don't rhyme. You guys are all showing me this. Good job. Rebecca, why do you think that cat and fish don't rhyme?
Rebecca: Because they don't have the same middle and ending sounds.
Ashley Powell: They don't have the same ending and middle sounds. What's the rhyme in cat?
Rebecca: /ăt/.
Ashley Powell: Good job. And what's the rhyme in fish? /ĭsh/.
Rebecca: /ĭsh/.
Ashley Powell: Good job.
Quick Look: Producing Rhymes

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Ashley Powell: Let's do another one. Say hose like what water comes out of. Say it again, I'm sorry. Say hose.
Students: Hose.
Ashley Powell: Now touch your, touch your nose.
Ashley Powell and students: Nose, nose.
Ashley Powell: Can you think of another body part that [surprised inhale] ... can you touch it? Good job. So we mention on that one too.