3.1 Prepare for Rhyming Instruction
Rhyming Skill Explainer
Erin Kosteva, M.Ed.
Rhyming Word List
Use this list of rhyming words to help plan instruction.
Use this list of rhyming words to help plan instruction.

Reading Universe Picture Cards for Instruction
Use this free set of printable picture cards for phonological awareness instruction.
Use this free set of printable picture cards for phonological awareness instruction.

Reading Universe Picture Cards for Student Activities
Use this free set of printable picture cards for independent student practice.
Use this free set of printable picture cards for independent student practice.
No Spelling in Rhyming
As you teach the lesson, avoid having students look at the spelling of a word to determine if it rhymes. Rhyming is an oral task and should not be confused with the spelling of a word. After all, not all rimes are spelled the same way even though they rhyme — for example, puff and rough.
You can use felt squares or other manipulatives as placeholders for the onset and rime, if you would like to provide a visual representation. This may be helpful for students who don’t catch on easily.