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Skill Explainer

1. Overview of Open Syllables

Open Syllables Skill Explainer

How can you identify an open syllable?

Graphic showing consonant and vowel in words "me" and "table."
Six Syllable Types

Six Syllable Types

Use this Teacher Guide as a handy reference for all six syllable types.

Video thumbnail for Quick Look: Open and Closed Syllables
Produced by Reading Universe, a partnership of WETA, Barksdale Reading Institute, and First Book
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DeAngela Huggins: Open or closed syllables?

Students: Open.

DeAngela Huggins: Open. So if it's open, Georgia, what's the sound of our vowel?

Georgia: /ō/ ...

DeAngela Huggins: /ō/ ... Now let's read our syllable together. It is ...

Students: /bō/ ...

DeAngela Huggins: What is it?

Students: /bō/ ...

DeAngela Huggins: Then we have open or closed?

Students: Closed.

DeAngela Huggins: Closed. What's the sound of our vowel?

Students: /ă/ ...

DeAngela Huggins: And let's read it.

/lăs/ ...

Students: Plus how, why is it important to know that if it's open or if it's closed? Why do we need to know that? Why don't we even care? Leona?

Leona: Um, if we know if it's open or closed, then we know if it makes its long sound or its short sound.

DeAngela Huggins: And that helps us to do what?

Leona: Read and write.

DeAngela Huggins: Very good. It helps us to read and write the words. So what was our syllable? Let's go ...

Students: /lăs/ ...

DeAngela Huggins: /lăs/ ... Very good.

Pronounce the Vowel Sounds

Video thumbnail for Pronounce the Vowel Sounds
Produced by Reading Universe, a partnership of WETA, Barksdale Reading Institute, and First Book
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Morgan Walton: I am going to demonstrate how to pronounce the vowel sounds. I'm going to start with the short vowel sounds. Vowels spell the short sound when they're enclosed-syllable words ... /ă/ as in apple ... /ĕ/ as in edge ... /ĭ/ as in itch ... /ŏ/ as in octopus ... /ŭ/ as in up. The next group of vowel sounds are long vowels. Vowels spell the long sound when they're found in an open syllable. The silent 'e' syllable, and some vowel teams ... /ā/ as in acorn ... /ē/ as in eagle ... /ī/ as in ice ... /ō/ as in oval ... /ū/ as in unicorn. The next group of vowel sounds are spelled with vowel teams or diphthongs. They make a distinct sound that is neither long or short ... /aw/ as in "saw" ... /o͞o/ as in ooze ... /o͝o/ as in book ... /ow/ as in house ... /oi/ as in oink. The next set of vowels are called r-controlled vowels ... /ar/ as in "arm" ... /er/ as in bird, fern, and turn ... /or/ as in horn. The last sound is called schwa. Schwa is the sound that we say in an unstressed syllable ... /ə/ as in balloon.

Graphic of words "go" and "me" with lines over the vowels.

Vowel Valley

Download a PDF of the vowel valley.

Reading Universe is made possible by generous support from Jim & Donna Barksdale; the Hastings/Quillin Fund, an advised fund of the Silicon Valley Community Foundation (opens in new window); the AFT (opens in new window); the Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation (opens in new window); and three anonymous donors.