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Skill Explainer

10. Resource Hub: Teaching Open Syllables

Open Syllables Skill Explainer

Video thumbnail for Quick Look: What Is a Syllable?
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Liz Quezada: I want you guys to tell me what is a syllable? Ready? A syllable is a ...

Liz Quezada and students: ... a word or a part of a word with one vowel sound.

Liz Quezada: Very good.

Video thumbnail for Quick Look: Open and Closed Syllables
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DeAngela Huggins: Open or closed syllables?

Students: Open.

DeAngela Huggins: Open. So if it's open, Georgia, what's the sound of our vowel?

Georgia: /ō/ ...

DeAngela Huggins: /ō/ ... Now let's read our syllable together. It is ...

Students: /bō/ ...

DeAngela Huggins: What is it?

Students: /bō/ ...

DeAngela Huggins: Then we have open or closed?

Students: Closed.

DeAngela Huggins: Closed. What's the sound of our vowel?

Students: /ă/ ...

DeAngela Huggins: And let's read it.

/lăs/ ...

Students: Plus how, why is it important to know that if it's open or if it's closed? Why do we need to know that? Why don't we even care? Leona?

Leona: Um, if we know if it's open or closed, then we know if it makes its long sound or its short sound.

DeAngela Huggins: And that helps us to do what?

Leona: Read and write.

DeAngela Huggins: Very good. It helps us to read and write the words. So what was our syllable? Let's go ...

Students: /lăs/ ...

DeAngela Huggins: /lăs/ ... Very good.

Video thumbnail for Teaching Open and Closed Syllables with the Alphabet Queen
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Carla Stanford: Are you ready for a story?

Narrator: Reading Coach Carla Stanford is introducing these second graders to the concept of open and closed syllables. And she's using an engaging and interactive story called the Alphabet Queen to do it.

Carla Stanford: A long, long time ago, far, far away, there was an Alphabet Queen. And the Alphabet Queen, she was in charge of all of the letters and sounds. Just like a dog's name is dog. And the sound that it makes is ... What sound does a dog make when it communicates and says ...

Student: Woof!

Carla Stanford: Exactly and just like a cow, the name of the animal is cow. But what sound does a cow make?

Students: Moo!

Carla Stanford: Well, the Alphabet Queen said, oh my goodness, in my land, I want all of my letters to have names and I want them to have sounds. So she said, this is the letter ...

Students: 'G'!

Carla Stanford: And the sound is ...

Students: /g/!

Carla Stanford: This is the letter ...

Students: 'T'!

Carla Stanford: ..and the sound is ...

Students: /t/!

Carla Stanford: /t/. Clip that sound. I love it. So the Alphabet Queen went around and she named all the consonants. Can you say "consonants"?

Students: "Consonants."

Carla Stanford: She named all the consonants. And she said, here's your name, here's your sound, here's your name, here's your sound. Well, then the Alphabet Queen said, oh my goodness, I have some letters that are precious. Can you say "precious"?

Students: "Precious."

Carla Stanford: These letters are so precious, and they are called vowels. Say "vowels."

Students: "Vowels."

Carla Stanford: And the vowels are so precious, I need to keep them inside of a fence to keep them safe. So the Alphabet Queen put all of the vowels inside of the fence. So she put 'a'. What's another vowel?

Students: 'E'.

Carla Stanford: What else?

Student: 'I'.

Ms. Stanford: 'I'. Another vowel?

Student: 'O'.

Carla Stanford: 'O'.

Max Venia: One more?

Carla Stanford: 'U'. And you're right. 'Y' is a vowel but today we're only going to focus on the always vowels. Are y'all okay with that? Another day we'll talk about that other sneaky vowel. So the Alphabet Queen said, oh my goodness, these are my most precious vowels. I have to keep them in here to keep them safe, but my goodness, I have to keep the gate closed so they'll be safe. So the Alphabet Queen said, consonants, you stand guard. I want you to guard the gate and keep the gate closed. So everyone say, "the gate is closed!"

Students: "The gate is closed!"

Carla Stanford: Well, when the gate is closed, friends, the vowels could not get out and they would throw their arms up in the air. Let me see your arms up in the air. Throw their arms up in air, and they would say their short sound. So 'a' would say /ă/! They would run up and try to get out, and they couldn't. 'E' would say, /ĕ/! 'I' would say, /ĭ/! 'O' would say, /ŏ/!. And 'u' would say, /ŭ/!

So anytime that the gate is closed, the vowel always says it's short sound. So let's just look at that for a minute. I want you to think about this. What is the vowel in this word? Everyone tell me.

Students and teachers: 'E'.

Carla Stanford: This is the vowel. When I look next door, the gate is closed. What is the gate?

Students and teachers: Closed.

Carla Stanford: And when the gate is closed, the vowel throws its arms up in the air and says ...

Students and teachers: /ĕ/.

Carla Stanford: So let's tap this ...

Students and teachers: /w/, /ĕ/, /b/. “Web.”

Carla Stanford: And this little guy right here, like the little smiley face, it's called a breve. And it's just like the same thing. Throw your arms up. That's like the symbol for the short vowel. So when the vowel is closed in, it says a short sound. But guess what, friends? Guess what friends.

Students: What?

Carla Stanford: Excellent. Sometimes the consonants need to go on vacation because everyone needs a break. Don't you agree? So when the consonants went on vacation and they were not guarding the gate anymore, the vowels got so excited and they ran out the door, they threw their arms out, and they screamed their name. So everyone arms out, say /ă/!

Students: /ă/!

Carla Stanford: /ĕ/!

Students: /ĕ/!

Carla Stanford: /ĭ/!

Students: /ĭ/!

Carla Stanford: /ŏ/!

Students: /ŏ/!

Carla Stanford: /ŭ/!

Students: /ŭ/!

Carla Stanford: And /o͞o/, because ‘u’ actually has two sounds when it's running out the gate. So when the gate is open, we call that an open syllable. The gate is open. So watch what happens. It's magical. Watch this.

Touch your vowel. So everybody look at your vowel. What is our vowel?

Students: 'E'.

Carla Stanford: Look next door. Is the gate open or closed?

Students: Open.

Carla Stanford: Open! So what is this going to say?

Students: "We".

Carla Stanford: /ē/! So it's going to say "we". Oh my goodness, you guys, you have just learned about open and closed syllables. We're going to do more work with that. Are you ready? Have you ever heard about the alphabet plan?

Narrator: Reading Universe is made possible by generous support from Jim and Donna Barksdale, the Hastings/Quillen Fund, an advised fund of the Silicon Valley Community Foundation, the AFT, the Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation, and anonymous donors. Special thanks to the Toledo Federation of Teachers, Riverside Elementary School, and Toledo Public Schools in Toledo, Ohio. If you enjoyed this video, please subscribe to our YouTube channel @RUteaching. Reading Universe is a service of WETA Washington D.C., the Barksdale Reading Institute and First Book. This is Reading Universe.

Reading Universe is made possible by generous support from Jim & Donna Barksdale; the Hastings/Quillin Fund, an advised fund of the Silicon Valley Community Foundation (opens in new window); the AFT (opens in new window); the Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation (opens in new window); and three anonymous donors.