3.1 Prepare for Phoneme Identification Instruction
Phoneme Identification Skill Explainer
Marion McBride, M.Ed.
Phoneme Word List
Use this list of words to help with planning phoneme identification instruction.
Use this list of words to help with planning phoneme identification instruction.

Picture Cards for Instruction
Use this free set of printable picture cards for phonological awareness instruction.
Use this free set of printable picture cards for phonological awareness instruction.

Picture Cards for Student Activities
Use this free set of printable picture cards for independent student practice.
Use this free set of printable picture cards for independent student practice.
Teaching Strategy Demo: Stretch and Shrink

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Monique Ealey: Today we are going to stretch and shrink the word map. When we stretch and shrink a word, we say all the sounds slowly so we can hear the individual sounds but still hear how they are connected. Watch and listen as I stretch and shrink the word map. Mmmmaaaaaap. Map! What was the first sound that you heard? /m/. What was the second sound? /ă/. And what was the last sound? /p/. Map.

Phonological Awareness Teaching Strategies
Here's a Reading Universe skill teaching strategy card you can use to prepare your instruction. It includes all of the support resources you'll need to put it into action.
Here's a Reading Universe skill teaching strategy card you can use to prepare your instruction. It includes all of the support resources you'll need to put it into action.